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One Church - Two Locations
Welcome to our Gettysburg Campus, where our mission is simple: "Helping People Find and Follow Jesus." Join us every Sunday at 10am for as we come together to grow in faith and community. Whether you’re new to the area, looking for a fresh start, or wanting a church that feels like home, we invite you to visit us at 105 E Commercial Ave, Gettysburg, SD. We can’t wait to meet you!
Why are we doing this?We believe that God has a heart to reach those who don't have a relationship with Him. We make every effort here at New Life to be a part of that mission by reaching out. Pastor Jake felt led to start this campus after recognizing the need for stable life-giving churches in Central South Dakota. Starting a campus lets us create a life giving church, while making it sustainable through ongoing support as a part of New Life. We want to plant a campus that passionately shares the reality of a relationship with Jesus.
Why Gettysburg? Aren’t there already churches there?Our goal is not to be in competition with other churches, but to reach people who aren’t going to church already. Put simply, even if every church seat was filled in Gettysburg on Sunday morning, there wouldn’t be room for everybody. We know that there are people without a church home in Gettysburg and the surrounding communities – we want to provide every opportunity for these people to experience Jesus. Gettysburg is the seat of Potter County and is a hub for smaller surrounding communities. We know that Gettysburg is a stable community that is not going away. While we don’t have a specific building or location yet, we are excited to get started in Gettysburg. To hear more about our calling to Gettysburg, check out the video ABOVE.
When is this happening?We know it’s important to be familiar with a community before trying to serve it. Because of this, we’re invested in being a part of the community in Gettysburg before officially starting weekly services. In Fall of 2023, we will begin a Gettysburg LifeGroup. We will spend a full year developing a network of believers, equipping local leaders, hosting outreaches, and being a part of the community. We will officially launch weekly services in Fall 2024.
What will this look like for New Life?We will be one church, in two locations. Pastor Tori will remain on staff here at New Life as a part-time Campus Pastor. She plans to get a part-time job in Gettysburg to get involved and connected with people in Gettysburg before we begin weekly services. Starting this campus will be a team effort. Our staff will support the launch of the Gettysburg campus by providing ongoing advice, insights, and resources. Because of this, our staff’s focus will be shifting to team building.
What will the Gettysburg campus be like?Services at New Life Gettysburg will be similar to services here in Pierre. There will be live preaching and worship, a hospitality team, and Life Groups! New Life believes in investing in the next generation. Since we’re starting from scratch, we’re not sure how this is going to look in Gettysburg. We likely will have youth or children’s ministries at some point, depending on need and team members.
How much will this cost?When we talk about starting a new campus, we think of everything we need to get this started. This is called a launch budget, and includes outreaches, advertising, initial equipment purchases, facilities expenses, and more. We’re setting a goal of raising $50,000 through Kingdom Builders to cover these expenses.
Do we have a building? Will we eventually buy property there?We don’t currently have a building in Gettysburg. We will likely rent a space for weekly services when we start in Fall 2024. Eventually, we may purchase property.
How can I get involved?Launching this campus is a team effort! We cannot do this without your help. We believe that you can play a big part in launching this campus and reaching the One in Gettysburg! We need people to pray, people to give, and people to go. If God is leading you to be a part of this, sign up here:
What does New Life Church believe about money?God is our provider. He promises in Matthew 6:33 to provide for our needs. The Bible teaches that everything we have comes from God and belongs to Him. Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Therefore, we are stewards of what God has given to us, and our finances should be a tool to help people find and follow Jesus.
What is “tithing?”By definition, the word “tithe” means one tenth of one’s income that is given to the church to support their work. When you tithe, you give one-tenth or 10% of your earnings. We first see tithing in the Old Testament when Abraham gave one-tenth of his war-earnings to the high priest. In the New Testament, Jesus talks about financial stewardship of as an indication of trustworthiness with spiritual things. Everything we have belongs to God and our tithe is giving back to God what is already His for the investment of reaching more people with Jesus’ message of hope.
What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?Tithing (10%) is the starting point of giving. Offerings are gifts given above the tithe.
What does the Bible say about tithing and giving?We recognize that Jesus talked more about giving than He did on any other subject. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Together, we work as a church to reach the lost. Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” The storehouse today is the local church you are attending. By partnering our monies together, God’s work is done more effectively.
Why should I give to New Life Church?Each week, people in central South Dakota are finding and following Jesus through New Life Church. Through the faithful giving of people in our church community, we are able to help people in need, provide discipleship that allows people to grow in their faith, and invite people to find a relationship with Jesus that changes their lives. We believe God has incredible plans for using our church as a tool for light in our region, and we are grateful for your prayer and financial generosity that makes it possible!
What are my giving dollars used for?Your gifts are used to fund God’s work through the ministry the church. We do this through our weekend services for adults and kids, and through our support of local and worldwide partners. We can accomplish more together than we can separately. You can visit our Kingdom Builders book to learn more about the missionaries we support and our 2023 Kingdom Builders projects.
What if we believe we can’t afford to tithe right now?The Lord asks us to be faithful regardless of how much He has entrusted to us, and to trust Him regardless the circumstances. Luke 16:10 says "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." We at New Life understand that there are times of extreme financial hardships, and we want you to know that giving is not a requirement to attend New Life Church. However, we also know through our own journeys that it is when we are having financial struggles that we can't afford not to tithe and here's why: God wants us to trust Him in everything, including our finances. When God asks us to tithe it reminds us to continue to reach out to others and to trust in His provision in all things. Luke 12:24 tells us "Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!" As we grow in our relationship with Christ, it always requires faith. Trust God by giving to Him even when it seems impossible and allow Him to show you His provision for your life.
Does New Life Church have a budget?Yes. Our budget each year is determined by the goals and objectives of each ministry area within the church. The budget is approved by the voting membership at the beginning of each calendar year. To see the budget, contact the church office. To see a breakdown of our missions projects, click here view our Kingdom Builders book.
What payment method options can I choose from?The online giving program is configured to accept direct payments from checking or savings accounts. We also accept credit and debit card payments, donations of grain, or you can drop off a check/cash offering in the drop box outside the church office.
How often will payments be pulled from my account?The program can be configured to pull funds from your account at a frequency that's right for you.
How can I get a record of my giving?You can create a giving statement online at any time by going to your "Giving History". You can also request a giving statement from the church Finance Office at any time. This statement will cover both your automated giving as well as any other offerings you give on the weekend. To request a statement to be sent to you, please e-mail us or call the church office.
How do I update my bank account or credit card information?You can update your giving method by clicking the "Give Online" tab and logging in to your Subsplash giving profile. Click on the profile icon on the upper right corner of the screen. That profile icon will open up a menu where you can view and edit your information.
Can I test New Life’s giving system by giving one time?Yes. There is an option to give a one-time gift. This is a great way to better understand how the system works.
I've signed up for the automated giving program but would like to change my preferences or need to stop. How do I do this?You can make changes at any time. Access our giving home page online or on the app. Click the profile icon on the upper right hand corner of the giving page and log-in to your Subsplash giving account. Once you login, you can change any of your preferences or stop your automated giving. If you have any trouble, please email or call the church office.
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